
The link widget allows a board to link to other pages, for example, to other boards in the module or other modules that offer linkable content, for example, assets in the Media Pool.

The link is represented by an image from the Media Pool, and a descriptive link text must also be entered.





Enter in the field what should be triggered when you click on the widget. You have the following options:

  • URL: The URL is called. If the link starts with the / character, this is interpreted as an internal link within the system.

  • The entry opens a new e-mail draft to the recipient preset in the widget in the local e-mail client. Subject, CC, BCC and Body are available as additional optional parameters.
    Example with pre-filled subject:

  • tel:+xxxxxxxxxThe entry starts a call via telephony software to the number +xxxxxxx.

  • skype:profile_name: The entry calls the Skype Name.

  • The entry starts a call that can be made with Microsoft Teams, for example.


Open in

Choose where the target of the link is displayed:

  • Current Tab: The destination is displayed in the same tab.

  • Popover: The destination is displayed in a popover to the browser.

  • New Tab: The destination is displayed in a new browser tab.

  • New Window: The destination is displayed in a new browser tab.


Link Text

Enter a text that will be displayed with the image.


Caption Position

Specify whether the link text is displayed at the top or bottom of the image.

Caption Position

Specify whether the link text is placed over the image or displayed outside the image boundaries.

Caption Background

Set the link text to be transparent, dark or light background.

Caption Color

Set whether the link text will be displayed in white or black.

Text Size

Set the size of the link text. To do this, select an entry from the drop-down list.

Additional text

Enter additional text and translate the text if necessary. The text is displayed below the image, in the screenshot example Click it!.


Select an image in the Media Pool that represents the link


Image description

Enter a description for the image. The description is mainly for the information of other users and will not be displayed on the board.

Display: Border Color

Set the border color for the widget. Click the palette icon to open the corresponding dialog. Enter either a hex or RGBA value or choose a color with the color picker.

White (RGBA: 255,255,255,1) or an alpha value of 0 makes the border invisible.